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Japanese crossword «Pokemon Menu Sprite 10»

Size: 13x14Picture:6/10Difficulty:5/10Added:13.07.22Author: Jazzy_Vexing_Vixen

Occamsrazor (14 July 2022, 10:33) complain
Where’s number 9 though? I can’t find it :(
show: 6 🗨
Fadderuttan (14 July 2022, 11:24) complain
Is that your personal favorite? (c;
Author Jazzy_Vexing_Vixen (14 July 2022, 16:33) complain
I AM SO MAD! Number 9 was the "voltorb/electrode" pokeball sprite. AND IT WAS REFUSED BY THE MODERATORS. Makes no sense...
show: 3 🗨
Occamsrazor (15 July 2022, 12:22) complain
Maybe too similar to another? Or too simple? Maybe you can appeal it or explain what it’s supposed to be

I hope there are more still planned, and maybe some gen 2 too one day
show: 2 🗨
Author Jazzy_Vexing_Vixen (15 July 2022, 16:09) complain
Idk, maybe? There is no appealing though. The mods NEVER respond. Oh well. I'll have to do some other gens I suppose.
mrneil6 (18 July 2022, 3:08) complain
How would you appeal? I have no idea how to figure out who a moderator is, and I've had many rejected for no apparent reasoning
30cminor (28 March 2024, 23:52) complain
Also 11, even though it’s only used for a single Pokémon.
ultracritical (15 July 2022, 13:22) complain
All hail, Lord Helix!
show: 1 🗨
Author Jazzy_Vexing_Vixen (29 July 2022, 23:16) complain
Hail brother!
mrneil6 (18 July 2022, 3:07) complain
I have no idea what a Pokémon menu sprite is, but I too was wondering what happened to number 9.
show: 1 🗨
Author Jazzy_Vexing_Vixen (29 July 2022, 23:17) complain
In the OG Pokemon games (red/blue/yellow) when you opened your Pokemon menu, these are the little sprites they had to represent each pokemon. 10 sprites for 150 pokemon lol
3strikesurout (22 July 2022, 4:09) complain
Me at the start of this puzzle: "This really isn't that hard..."

Me, half an hour later: "OK, maybe it was that hard."

Fantastic job!
swford (20 October 2022, 22:34) complain
Tricky little bugger!
hymncat (21 March 2023, 18:52) complain
good lord
physmatics (8 August 2024, 22:25) complain
Very fun to solve
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