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Japanese crossword «South Park»

Size: 86x29Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:19.06.22Author: mrneil6

Chorton (20 June 2022, 4:00) complain
Very good!
loonyluna1331 (20 June 2022, 6:11) complain
This is perfect. Thanks.
jvds23 (20 June 2022, 19:07) complain
So cute! I knew right away from the colors!
Mister_Stryker (21 June 2022, 15:24) complain
I definitely knew what it was before I started it but had to do it becuz I knew I would love the picture and knew it was going to be fun... and it was! :)
RubeRad (26 August 2022, 19:44) complain
Also knew what it was going to be from very early on, but still enjoyed working through it!

Maybe would look a tiny bit better with 1 pixel space between the left two, but I get that maybe it's desirable not to have any empty columns
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