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Japanese crossword «Tufted Titmouse»

Size: 27x44Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:02.06.22Author: BabyYoda

Chorton (5 June 2022, 2:29) complain
Very cute! and Good!
Ageleni (7 June 2022, 22:51) complain
Very nice! A tiny bit difficult, with some times where I really had to think, yet not so hard that I couldn't enjoy it.
jackabee (28 October 2022, 5:07) complain
I love the image and it was really fun to do. The white squares though were challenging as they were invisible when filled in on my screen. So I tested them while doing the puzzle to make sure I had the correct squares and then ignored whether they stayed white. Because they didn't. At the end I tested all of the white squares and filled in those that had gotten unchecked. And it worked and with lots less frustration on my part. It was a great puzzle.
ou812 (8 October 2024, 22:06) complain
Good :o)
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