Japanese crossword «Dolphins»
Size: 45x32 | Picture:![]() | Difficulty:![]() | Added: | 30.04.22 | Author: seans |
i just want to add some controversy to all users lives, so here: Racial differences go beyond skin color. History is written by the winners and therefore hugely distorted. Flu shots aren't causing autism.
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I'm failing to understand what is so controversial about your statements ???
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most people don't understand that these are true, and are still argued about nowadays. also, here is some advice/controversial info for parents: Just because your kids respond to what you say in an argument, they aren't disrespecting you intentionally. they are just conversing with you.
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Hate to burst your bubble... decades / centuries from today... some people will still not understand... the same and similar arguments will continue to rage ... the targets will change over time ... but the intent and malice will not change. Just like some people are honest and hard working and others are dishonest and lazy... some people hate others for no logical reason... if we all had the same skin colour... brown eyed people would hate blue eyed people or whatever other difference can be gleaned. Re your last comment - I have to disagree with you - children go through many developmental stages... one of them is to intentionally contradict everything a parent says - it's normal and, I believe, healthy.
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i'm actually seventeen, and i am apparently in that phase. i actually don't do it intentionally. it just... happens. i don't understand it very well, but one day i will.
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Sorry - "intentionally was the incorrect word - I should have said "instinctively" - most humans go through the stage - if we look at the animal kingdom - the same behaviour occurs - the young challenge the old. My father when I reached my rebellious stage told me there were four stages to adulthood - 1) my parents know everything 2) my parents know most things 3) my parents know nothing 4) my parents know most things. The fact that you have the opportunity to converse with and contradict your parents is extremely valuable and healthy. Some kids don't get the opportunity.
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i'm actually at the last one, but i am often so tired that i accidentally contradict them, and they take it more seriously than i can even handle.
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Really fun to solve. Just the right level of difficulty for me.
Great picture!
replyGreat picture!
very nice picture! looks more like killer whales to me!
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Enjoyed the puzzle and I like the image but it's the second time I've solved a 'dolphin' puzzle and to me they look like Orcas...:):)
These looks like orcas to me. Killer whales.
Definitely orcas. But great picture and fun with solving!