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Japanese crossword «Stairs»

Size: 34x79Picture:8/10Difficulty:6/10Added:15.01.16Author: LYUDMILA

froghopper (21 December 2017, 1:44) complain
Worked bottom up, knew it was giraffe but didn't expect the rest
Alasea (5 February 2018, 13:35) complain
Next time a really need a bigger monitor. :-)
Ellymayc (15 December 2019, 5:02) complain
Fiddly to do, but worth it - fun image
sallyg (4 January 2020, 0:10) complain
Love it! The legs were easy to figure out, but then they just kept going up...and up...! Thank you - this was really fun to do!
Catgirl (22 January 2021, 0:24) complain
This is really a lovely picture!! ❤️ And on top, it was fun to solve :)
Kira_M (9 November 2022, 6:21) complain
Despite the colors and the fun image - I didn't really enjoyed solving it; maybe it was due to constant scrolling up and down, as I solved it from bottom up. Thanks
fqirytqles (30 August 2024, 1:49) complain
Cute in a creative kind of way which made it fun.
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