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Japanese crossword «Two unpaired mittens»

Size: 10x10Picture:6/10Difficulty:3/10Added:13.01.16Author: PolN0vik

grady (16 February 2016, 5:38) complain
If you need the title to figure out what it is then it's a bad puzzle. How come this one didn't go through the not rated system?
Guest: Helmi (19 February 2016, 21:33) complain
Those are harsh words, ggg; what if it was done by a 6 year old child - he may now need therapy for the rest of his life...
MEisHERE (11 June 2016, 17:27) complain
Its an okay puzzle, but picture is a problem. Pretty but could be anything without the title
Palouday (17 December 2016, 19:47) complain
Given the small size of the grid, the fact that only two colours are used, and the limited number of coloured tiles, I found this puzzle to be imaginative and enjoyable
Josamy (24 January 2017, 21:52) complain
I had absolutely no idea what the picture was until the title was revealed; my thought while solving was a pair of shields.
FellHarbor (28 April 2017, 22:53) complain
It is Ok to say that a picture is not good. In all honesty, this could just be a jumble of colors and shapes. It's still a valid puzzle, but the whole point of nonograms is that they make pictures. So, based on that, this was not entirely enjoyable; the reward for finishing the puzzle wasn't worth the effort.
markceck (1 July 2017, 23:21) complain
Basically I do puzzles just because I want to improve my logic and my reasoning which can be useful elsewhere, so I am satisfied if I solve them regardless of what the pictures are. But FellHarbor is right, otherwise I could always make Sudoku (that I personally hate) :)
sgw (10 July 2017, 0:06) complain
Hate to disagree with most of you, but I enjoyed doing this! Sometimes the most fun with the very simple puzzles is seeing how someone can actually make a design that small - and seeing what is a neat geometric pattern with a title that makes sense, well, I think that's a couple of minutes well spent, and minutes that made me use some brain cells (always good!)
show: 2 🗨
msat (6 June 2020, 11:48) complain
cjhearn (10 June 2020, 15:04) complain
Also agree!
Peter_Goy (6 June 2018, 0:58) complain
I really don't see why there needs to be THIS MUCH discussion on a 10x10, a minute long puzzle really isn't worth fussing over
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Karal_Daskin (27 December 2018, 10:58) complain
Guest: ESM (19 June 2018, 17:18) complain
I loved it!
marina_v (11 July 2018, 9:21) complain
Once you read the title you cannot not see the picture. Therefore, the picture with its small space is good.
ElMuftah (5 November 2018, 23:21) complain
Even in a small space it can sometimes be hard to make these solvable and look like something. I think it's a nice puzzle.
mogada (13 May 2019, 23:18) complain
Isn't that the only kind of mittens there are? :)
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msat (6 June 2020, 11:54) complain
I believe the correct English translation should be "two mismatched mittens." They're different colours.
Nonowahn (25 June 2019, 22:20) complain
@ Helmi: PolNOvik isn't a 6-year-old child, I suppose. Children are often good intuitive artists, but nonograms are another kind of stuff... What we see here is an early work of one of the best nonograms artists! So we can see: Masters don't fall from the sky. (Old german saw)
The-Nono-Gram (14 July 2019, 1:58) complain
PolNOvik puzzles are always delightful.
doggy_lover (11 September 2019, 0:17) complain
Nice pair of mittens
shanz (14 January 2020, 19:19) complain
FFS you people are awfully critical of some of these puzzles...
Meep (23 March 2020, 19:26) complain
Nice, easy and enjoyable
show: 2 🗨
msat (6 June 2020, 11:51) complain
Meep, I'm wondering why you keep posting your average or slower-than-average solving times? It's kind of annoying, unless you mean to make somebody feel better because they completed the puzzle in a faster time than you did...
show: 1 🗨
Meep (13 July 2020, 18:55) complain
Well I'm sorry but I'm just used to sharing my time. I started doing nonograms with the tiny Black-and-White ones where everyone was comparing their times. I hope you can understand that that's just how I am.
Celandine (10 August 2020, 17:37) complain
Clever and pretty
UmViolet (14 August 2020, 20:13) complain
I think they match.
PurplePlatypus (3 October 2020, 14:38) complain
I actually found it difficult for a 10 by 10, and I like the picture BECAUSE it can be anything.
camille (21 November 2020, 11:18) complain
i kinda like it and happen to be listening to Dirty Projectors right now...iykyk
annagigi14 (8 December 2020, 21:27) complain
they make me want to get cozy with a good hot-chocolate!! <3 :3
Petuni (24 February 2023, 23:54) complain
I try to figure out what the picture is before I look at the title. Sometimes I need the title to see it. On this one I was able to see two mittens before I checked the title. (I was a little surprised, I sometimes see something other than what the author intended.)
Llyn (25 February 2023, 9:03) complain
Spasibo PonNOvik. You are an artist. :)
kerwincormier (23 September 2024, 0:14) complain
Couldn't really tell without the title but it's cute anyway.
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