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Japanese crossword «One-Eyed Jack»

Size: 26x30Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:15.03.22Author: mindscrub

Chorton (16 March 2022, 4:48) complain
That was confusing and tricky!!! Thanks!
swford (18 March 2022, 20:50) complain
Fun challenge. A little hard to see because it's so pixilated, but I see where you are going with it.
Ageleni (3 April 2022, 0:15) complain
It was pretty easy to tell what it was going to be early on, but the end result isn't really very clear.
The-Nono-Gram (23 June 2022, 22:57) complain
Wild along with Deuces.
JonLennox (3 October 2022, 6:17) complain
A lot of nonograms are left-right symmetric, but this is one of the few I've seen that are rotationally symmetric - I like that!
kc_lind (9 June 2023, 7:43) complain
good one!
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