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Japanese crossword «Jellyfish»

Size: 16x17Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:12.03.22Author: not_per_se

Anaderol (13 March 2022, 1:38) complain
A bluebottle!! Nasty little critters!!
1Galina (13 March 2022, 15:06) complain
elftrees (13 March 2022, 19:00) complain
Easy, but not boring, with a great image at the end. not-per-se, you are very imaginative in the way you create these puzzles...thank you!
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Author not_per_se (14 March 2022, 2:09) complain
Thanks! :)
babsiep (18 March 2022, 20:58) complain
I found it quite tricky. And I'm not a novice: over 2300 puzzles completed.
brumeux77 (3 October 2024, 0:16) complain
I give up. I'm not acquainted with not-per-se. What does it mean? (I'd be interested in the etymology too, if you have it.)
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physmatics (11 December 2024, 15:07) complain
It's just the user name of the author :)
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brumeux77 (11 December 2024, 18:46) complain
*turns bright red*
Oh, yes, of course. I'd say I knew that all along, except for the clear evidence that I didn't.

Boy, do I feel dumb.
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elftrees (22 January 2025, 15:54) complain
You are absolutely NOT dumb! This is one of those terms that requires tunneling through a couple of languages to get to. Per-se (from the French, (or Latin?) I think), means "like that" implying that it is the usual thing. It is a (somewhat) common expression in English. So "Not-per-se..." is a clever way to indicate the unexpected--clever on Not-per-se's part, but had to get if you are not well verses in at least one of those languages...
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elftrees (22 January 2025, 15:56) complain
If this is all wrong, please, someone let me know. I (sadly) am NOT multilangual, just interested in words (like you brumeaux 77)
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elftrees (22 January 2025, 15:59) complain
One of the things I enjoy most about this site is the little byways the comments can sometimes take to other places, in part because it is an activity that can be enjoyed in many languages and cultures. (Anglo, Russian, comic book, manga,... ;-) )
brumeux77 (22 January 2025, 17:36) complain
"Per se" is from the Latin, meaning "in and of itself." "It wasn't a banquet per se, but there was still an awful lot of food." There are rules that make a meal a banquet and this meal broke some of them, but it still came close.

(I'm a native speaker of English and a serving member of the Grammar Police; and I have a BA in French. So I think "dumb" is the explanation. But thanks for trying to make me feel better!)
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elftrees (6 February 2025, 17:21) complain
Thanks, Brumeiux 77.Cool to find out the exact meaning--I was just approximating a meaning. Gosh! looking something up??? What's that! Now I feel sorta silly ( but not bad)
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Maburg (7 February 2025, 7:01) complain
It is. I translated from Latin and it's "by it self"
Maburg (7 February 2025, 6:54) complain
"Per_se", doesn't means "by it self"? I thought so.
GulfCoastGuppy (14 March 2022, 5:52) complain
Scary but good puzzle!
swford (14 March 2022, 23:09) complain
I got hung up on that one.
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3strikesurout (31 October 2022, 1:26) complain
Isn't it stunning?
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swford (31 October 2022, 19:21) complain
3strikesurout (31 October 2022, 1:28) complain
Great idea! Definitely an exercise in figuring out where each color can be placed!
RedFox65 (24 January 2023, 17:21) complain
Simple, but BEAUTIFUL!
Llyn (9 March 2023, 10:53) complain
Beautiful, quite hard for me but slog away and the result is worth it.Thank you!
R_A (8 January 2025, 0:43) complain
Pleasantly challenging, thank you :)
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