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Japanese crossword «Family of bears»

Size: 55x48Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:20.12.15Author: LYUDMILA

starg8fans (15 October 2017, 10:21) complain
Very tricky to start with all that white. Once you can follow the outline it gets easier. And I loved the picture, so cute. Thanks for this!
Janet (22 November 2017, 6:28) complain
Had to resort to some guesswork to start with - very nice - thank you :))
Lawi (3 October 2018, 21:42) complain
Cute picture and incredibly difficult - but actually doable without guessing, which was a surprise.
Puzzled (28 May 2021, 0:00) complain
Agree with starg8fans
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