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Japanese crossword «Twig»

Size: 20x18Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:24.01.22Author: not_per_se

clarkequay (25 January 2022, 3:20) complain
Surprisingly tricky for such a small grid!!
marina_v (25 January 2022, 6:12) complain
This was hard. At one point I was looking for the next step for at least 5 minutes, which is a lot for small size. After finding it the rest came into place smoothly as usual.
magis (25 January 2022, 9:14) complain
very nice one.
Fadderuttan (25 January 2022, 10:11) complain
Great challenge!
show: 1 🗨
capofire (25 January 2022, 11:15) complain
Primalmoon (25 January 2022, 15:02) complain
Deceptively hard for such a small puzzle. Took me a while before I could find the right logic to start opening up the puzzle.

During my solve I had noticed at least two times where I figured out cells based on logic chains that were a few steps long (if cell A is light green, that forces cell B, then this clue forces cell C... and oh, that breaks the puzzle, so that can't be the right cell).
nono-nono (25 January 2022, 18:12) complain
Tricky indeed
Jenn (25 January 2022, 18:30) complain
Wow, that was really hard!
swford (25 January 2022, 18:57) complain
Yes, quite a challenge, but so satisfying when you solve it!
banjo001 (27 January 2022, 14:27) complain
A challenge getting started but enjoyable, thank you
Neilio (31 January 2022, 2:09) complain
Not that hard, just time consuming.
3strikesurout (10 October 2023, 3:18) complain
Got it fairly quickly with X's but I'm sure this would have been a lot harder without them. Great puzzle! I think there might have been a bit of a mistranslation, which is unfortunate, but obviously doesn't detract from the puzzle.
Nix (10 February 2024, 23:01) complain
Lovely colours - creating such a refreshing looking picture. Very nice balance. Thank you
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