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Japanese crossword «Michael Scott - The Office US»

Size: 11x44Picture:6/10Difficulty:3/10Added:06.12.21Author: RaoraDJ

swford (7 December 2021, 0:26) complain
Nice idea for a themed set of puzzles. These are good for beginners. I suggest stopping the tedious single pixels in future.
show: 2 🗨
msat (7 December 2021, 2:59) complain
I'm finding that if you do them after everything else and one colour at a time, they are kind of fun -- and the effect is really pretty. I'm liking this series. Very different!
romuloescamilla (8 December 2021, 16:46) complain
I disagree with the single pixels.. the puzzle is simple enough for beginners, the single pixels are really just a few of them, and they give detail to the picture. I'm loving this series
bluehen (7 December 2021, 20:48) complain
"no puzzle..." hum... so many annoying factors... I admit there are a lot of the puzzle themes/characters that I don't recognize but I get through, even enjoy, as a puzzle. Agree with swford... stop the pixelating, it adds nothing to the puzzle.
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