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Japanese crossword «Tenderness»

Size: 45x45Picture:9/10Difficulty:6/10Added:29.10.21Author: Big_Angry_Wolf

littlefish (30 October 2021, 21:33) complain
A certain significance ;)
euro (30 October 2021, 22:46) complain
Puzzle 1055o
Kikker (5 November 2021, 10:37) complain
What else can they do???
inali (17 November 2021, 0:52) complain
Sweet intention. Yet I don't think the larger figure is working. It's hardly recognisable (I'm not sure I'm interpreting it correctly), there is too much white in it (is that snow? water?). The smaler one is cute though. And it was fun solving the puzzle.
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