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Japanese crossword «Bubble»

Size: 20x13Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:27.08.21Author: Leonifer212

gutless (28 August 2021, 0:12) complain
A simple puzzle, but a clever and original idea!
GulfCoastGuppy (28 August 2021, 0:50) complain
Unique picture!
ultracritical (28 August 2021, 6:39) complain
This was excellent, both in construction and image. There is no reason that a color puzzle has to be a mindless paint-by-numbers affair. Here, zzyf creates a puzzle that could have worked perfectly well in black-and-white, but would have lost some of the punch without a pop of color. This isn't the work of a creator showing off their pixel art talents (not to say zzyf is not talented) at the expense of the solving experience. This is a puzzle first and foremost with the constructor creating a finely tuned brain workout that also delivers a satisfying reward.

I've solved a number of zzyf's past works and been underwhelmed. Here's to hoping more puzzles of this quality are in the pipeline.
Al-e (28 August 2021, 13:28) complain
Good, thank you
swford (28 August 2021, 21:40) complain
So original! Great execution! Fun to solve!
Specky1 (30 August 2021, 16:36) complain
Good work.
babsghia (31 August 2021, 7:07) complain
that was fun, a toy that has never changed much, thanks
poppliopal (2 September 2021, 3:42) complain
Brilliant! The negative space made it surprisingly challenging for the size! Quite fun for a little puzzle!
jjackson7608 (6 October 2021, 12:57) complain
I would never thought about something like that. That is great thinking.
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