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Japanese crossword «Pokemon Arbok»

Size: 60x65Picture:9/10Difficulty:6/10Added:21.08.21Author: anikina2021

PuppyLuver256 (22 August 2021, 3:40) complain
I had a feeling I knew who this was based on the color scheme alone, and I'm so happy I guessed correctly :D A very nice puzzle, Arbok is definitely an underrated classic from the original 151. I don't think I see a lot of players using it, and it's a shame I never found a place on any of my in-game teams for one myself, as I'm not much of a poison user unless they fill another role through a secondary type hehe.
ndhHardy (22 August 2021, 4:13) complain
caranium (25 August 2021, 6:13) complain
really nice!! arbok is such a cool pokemon. it took me like ten years to realize it was cobra backwards and ekans was snake backwards
azzurra (17 May 2022, 2:08) complain
i like
azzurra (17 May 2022, 2:09) complain
danger noodle
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