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Japanese crossword «Rainbow Mushroom»

Size: 16x16Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:17.08.21Author: Small-boss

tcookie16 (18 August 2021, 3:13) complain
Fun little design
magis (18 August 2021, 8:45) complain
nice one!
Ursula_Cat (18 August 2021, 9:21) complain
YES another pride piece
Anaderol (18 August 2021, 10:07) complain
AKA Trametes... these puzzles are proving to be highly educational :):)
rocknbozo (18 August 2021, 13:18) complain
Shihoin (18 August 2021, 16:44) complain
TheCarptain (18 August 2021, 20:56) complain
Based Small-boss
m1kado (18 August 2021, 22:04) complain
Love it.
swford (18 August 2021, 22:25) complain
I love it!
FaithCat (19 August 2021, 5:58) complain
pretty colors
kkezir (20 August 2021, 4:35) complain
Sorry I don't see a mushroom
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Author Small-boss (20 August 2021, 5:15) complain
mario mushroom
ultracritical (20 August 2021, 7:26) complain
Wow, I don't know what else to say. This is getting ridiculous. I had to adjust the settings on my monitor, upgrade all my software, restart my computer, AND call IT support just to be able to distinguish the colors in this image. Is it so much to ask that puzzle creators use colors that aren't so close together. I mean how are we supposed to solve this when every single color is practically the same?! Sure, it creates nice shading, but what sort of masochist is going to actually solve this puzzle trying to pick one hue from another. I'm about over Small-boss. At this point it is obvious she's intentionally trolling us with these incredibly similar colors.

How did this even get published???
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ultracritical (20 August 2021, 7:28) complain
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AniW (7 October 2021, 19:32) complain
The colors aren’t even close and certainly you are ultra dramatic ultra critical. I’ve done other puzzles that made: me nuts but not this one. As far as the graphic though I’ve never seen a rainbow one of these nor do I see the shape you suggest. But if it’s those colors either before or after you ingested it... then I love the whole thing P.S. I hope y’all don’t have to censor Mr. Critical because he’s so over the top. As long as all the creators, especially new brave souls, don’t take him serious. To all our crazy differences!
rockstarmouse (3 September 2021, 7:18) complain
Oh, come on now. Maybe it's just that I have a different computer than you do, but I didn't have that hard of a time telling the black and brown apart.
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ultracritical (3 September 2021, 9:29) complain
It's not just the black and the brown! Every color in this puzzle is almost indistinguishable. You must have an incredible computer if you could tell one color from another. I had to guess the entire time because I was never sure which color I was even filling in. The moderators really need to step in for cases like these and remove the puzzle. It's simply not possible to solve this with the colors as they are. I really hope this is addressed.
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RoboLuddite (6 September 2021, 14:17) complain
I'm sorry, were these comments meant for a different puzzle?

Colours being too similar is an extremely common problem with tons and tons of these nonograms. But I don't see how it could possibly apply to this one, where all the colours are very different from each other. They're pretty much as different as they could possibly be.

The comment about shading is what really made question if this was a copy/paste job though. There isn't even any shading in this picture at all.
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ultracritical (7 September 2021, 6:34) complain
No they were meant for this one. Just some good natured trolling at the expense of the creator, Small-boss. She gets constant complaints about this very thing, so I took the opportunity to whine about one of her puzzle that it absolutely did not apply to. Hoped that obvious troll would be painfully obvious! Also, love the username!
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RoboLuddite (14 September 2021, 12:25) complain
haha, my bad for completely missing the sarcasm. It seems so obvious in retrospect, especially if I had have opened the spoiler ^_^

And cheers for noticing my username :)
yayme (7 January 2024, 1:06) complain
your out of your mind ultracritical!!! my computer is like 15 years old and SUPER laggy but i could tell the colors apart fine
AlexaLily (21 August 2021, 22:25) complain
Lovely lil thing :)
Kasting (22 August 2021, 11:10) complain
Again, no clue until the very last pixel, then A-ha!
lilymoth (12 September 2021, 17:47) complain
gay mario!
uwujikook (26 September 2021, 19:01) complain
I can feel the power of the rainbow!!!
Karal_Daskin (24 January 2022, 9:15) complain
Very pretty!
TheFinalFrontier1701 (27 November 2022, 8:28) complain
Aww! We love a gay Mario mushroom!
Jamic (5 January 2023, 12:15) complain
Weird colors.
brumeux77 (22 May 2024, 19:39) complain
How could there be so many people unacquainted with the word Satire?
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