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Japanese crossword «Zebra»

Size: 22x18Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:15.08.21Author: mindscrub

Chorton (16 August 2021, 2:16) complain
Oh Wow..could not see it at first! Clever. Thanks
GulfCoastGuppy (16 August 2021, 2:21) complain
Kasting (16 August 2021, 9:49) complain
That really pops out at you, good use of white space!
Anaderol (16 August 2021, 10:43) complain
Did not see it at first but then...beautiful.
ultracritical (16 August 2021, 13:34) complain
mindscrub is an expert when it comes to capturing the movement of his subjects. The sense of motion against the blurred background is a sight to behold. Like other solvers have commented, I did not see the image at first, but when I did, it really popped. A lesser artist may have created a more uniform coat for their subject, but here mindscrub rewards us with than image that is as close to reality as 396 pixels will allow.

That being said, the puzzle itself was a disappointment. Beginning in the third row and working toward the right boundary, I had high hopes for mindscrub's usual level of challenge. Unfortunately, it was not to be found here. Not every puzzle needs to utilize advanced tricks to be enjoyable, but this was in sore need of some pizzazz. Once getting a foothold, this puzzle quickly devolves into a paint-by-numbers affair. I've been conditioned to expect more from mindscrub.

Overall: sweet and sour
show: 3 🗨
Author mindscrub (16 August 2021, 21:49) complain
Thanks. I have to agree... I'm an amateur at color puzzles and I didn't manage to make the background challenging, try as I might. But I thought the rest of the picture made it worth submitting.
show: 1 🗨
Sandrabulando (27 September 2022, 2:39) complain
I usually don’t like the use of white space, because it does not make the figure pop. I think the best is, when white space is used inside the main subject, it shouldn’t be used anywhere else. I just filled the white space around teh black and white and the result was amazing. If I had blue to use at the top left, it would also become prettier.
The-Nono-Gram (2 August 2022, 22:23) complain
I agree that mindscrub colored puzzles aren't as challenging as his black and white. For the moment, I am savoring that. I fully expect more challenging ones in the future.
littlefish (16 August 2021, 14:44) complain
Interesting one... really pops from ugly to clever in the last pixels!
marina_v (16 August 2021, 17:13) complain
We sort of get to experience the lion's eyesight: such cool camouflage for the prey.
nthpijots (16 August 2021, 19:14) complain
I didn't see it until I saw the title. That camouflage is really geed"
kkezir (17 August 2021, 15:44) complain
swford (18 August 2021, 21:58) complain
Lots of squinting to see it at first. Fun to solve!
lowwhistler (19 August 2021, 9:33) complain
That's a work of art!
LogicLvr (22 August 2021, 4:26) complain
Nice! I didn't see it until almost the end.
babsghia (23 August 2021, 6:42) complain
I like it a lot, and a more complicated background might have been too much, when running background can be blurry. thanks
elftrees (27 August 2021, 4:34) complain
subtle--kept on lookng at the outside and thinking it would be an elephant. NOPE! Nice sense of motion.
JayH (10 January 2022, 4:36) complain
What an unusual approach! Well done!
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