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Japanese crossword «Bloom»

Size: 38x35Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:14.08.21Author: Destro

Nancok (15 August 2021, 4:03) complain
Pretty, for anyone reading this, it isn't pure logic but once you dabble a bit you can figure out where the few gaps are
show: 1 🗨
Karal_Daskin (27 August 2022, 3:44) complain
You can do it with just logic. As you progress, you'll find new ways of looking at it.
WillowS (15 August 2021, 7:51) complain
Very Pretty Picture - It wasn't super difficult, and it is possible to solve it without any guessing!
sylvermagic (15 August 2021, 14:40) complain
Great colours, great design, fun to do. Love it :)
kkezir (19 August 2021, 0:26) complain
:-) the pinks were a little close for me or my monitor. but I was able to complete it.
Karal_Daskin (27 August 2022, 3:44) complain
Excellent! Though the pinks did make me crazy.
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