Japanese crossword «Yoshi Egg»
Size: 20x22 | Picture: | Difficulty: | Added: | 14.08.21 | Author: Small-boss |
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I did not have to guess, just use a little intuition.
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if that were true, this would not have been published.
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This isn't a case of true vs. false, but one of reality equaling perception. For the OP, the colors are too similar for them to solve. The fact that you (or the site) don't believe the colors are too similar to hinder the logical process necessary to complete the puzzle is irrelevant. The colors are very close to one another, and that does add a layer of frustration to the puzzle that not everyone is willing to put up with.
That said, the shading on the final image is very impressive and the logical path one takes to solve it is remarkable for a color puzzle. The north half of the puzzle really stretches the brain to find which squares must be X's. The use of close colors of course makes this process more difficult than it needed to be, and not in an enjoyable way.
replyThat said, the shading on the final image is very impressive and the logical path one takes to solve it is remarkable for a color puzzle. The north half of the puzzle really stretches the brain to find which squares must be X's. The use of close colors of course makes this process more difficult than it needed to be, and not in an enjoyable way.
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no, objectively if the colors are too similar, the puzzle will be rejected. If you can't tell the colors apart, the problem is with your display, not my puzzles. Update your software. go to your computer settings and change the colors. Call an IT technician. But for the love of mercy, DO NOT make a comment complaining about it, because I am sick and tired of it. You have no idea what you're talking about, of course it's relevant.
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I believe you're mistaking the OP's statement as a personal attack. They stated that they gave up because the colors are too similar. At no point did anyone say your puzzle should not have been published. Had the OP said, "I give up... puzzle is too large," your response of "if that were true it wouldn't have been published" would be nonsensical since someone's opinion/inability to solve your puzzle is not a criterion to be published. As it stands, you can disagree with someone's opinion, but that does not make it less valid. Colors that are too similar for one person may be perfectly acceptable for another. So no, your perception of your own puzzle is in no way relevant to another's perception of it.
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Also, your request that others DO NOT complain about the colors is incredibly rude and standoffish. You're posting puzzles to a public site that encourages comments. Criticism is going to happen. If you're so "sick and tired of it" take a break. Or better still, take it in stride. You can't control what others think. Appreciate the good comments and ignore the rest. Have a nice day.
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I totally agree, ultracritical. Small-boss responds to all feedback rudely. Most of us who can't see colours as distinctly on our displays should just avoid his puzzles completely. The difficulty with similar colours is a comment that has appeared on multiple puzzles of his and the response is always similarly dismissive.
The response could have been that he enjoys creating puzzles with a gentle colour gradient and he recognizes that it isn't as easy to complete for some people because of that. Instead he just tells everyone that their experiences are wrong.
replyThe response could have been that he enjoys creating puzzles with a gentle colour gradient and he recognizes that it isn't as easy to complete for some people because of that. Instead he just tells everyone that their experiences are wrong.
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Small-boss identifies as a 'she.' And while I did call her out on rudeness in this case (mostly I just like to stir the pot!), I think the advice I gave her applies to the people whose only comments are to complain about the colors. You can't control anybody but yourself. If a puzzle looks like the colors are frustratingly too similar, skip it. Leaving a comment that you don't like the colors is not constructive, and it can lead to a puzzle creator becoming heated. I see both sides to this situation. I just chose to poke the bear originally because it amused me. Now, I'm happy to stand up for Small-boss because her frustration is often justified. Either way, we should all try to be respectful of one another. Have a great day!
replyI did not find this to be true, they were fine to me.
replyOn my equipment with my software and contrast settings I did not find these colours to be so close as to be annoying. I agree with the author. There are guidelines in place to prevent this from happening. So if you are having a problem, it is on your end. I enjoyed the puzzle and it is the shading that enhances the final product. Author: Keep them coming.
replyThe color is fine. No guessing necessary if you tick off the negative squares-meaning the ones where the color can't intersect. Maybe practice a little more on puzzles with a lower difficulty rating and it won't seem so hard because it's not.
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Everyone's display is different. You're suggesting that people can't tell the colours apart because they don't know how to do the puzzles. That's not the case. If you have two lighter greens with one square for a darker green in the middle, the question isn't where to put the darker green, it's which green you need. When you need to go back over multiple squares to try out different greens it can get frustrating. It's not a matter of whether it's in the wrong square.
replyRegarding the colors; yes, they are somewhat close, but the were distinguishable on my screen. What made it harder for me was that there are four of the similar greens. I had no problem with the three blues , which are also similar tones. Add that extra one though---wow it is suddenly hard to keep track of them!
replyThat said, I found this puzzle fun-I always enjoy the rounder shapes, and the shading added to the dimensionality. (sic?) I do have one small complaint (very picky) the green shape on the left looks squared off, whereas the others similar ones look round to me. It just looks odd. thank you for your work on these puzzles, and your responsiveness, Small-boss. Do keep on!
replyPuzzle was excellent, no guessing, simple logic. no problems at all with the colors, they were lovely. Ultracritical needs to get a life. Keep up the great work!
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What exactly did I say that would lead you to belief I don’t have a life? Genuinely curious. If you have an issue with me, I would appreciate you say whatever it is to me instead of name-dropping me in a response to another. Tacky.
replySeriously people--lighten up! These puzzles are supposed to be FUN! If you don't like the colors, skip it or go do the black & white puzzles. Better yet, start creating some of your own! Maybe then you'll appreciate what goes into making these. Small-boss, keep them coming! Some people miss the idea that the colors can be part of the challenge in addition to the logic. Love your puzzles!
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Ahhh - finally the voice of reason! Totally agree - these puzzles are just a means to entertain oneself - and like any other sort of entertainment - change the puzzle, or switch off, or fast forward or stop reading or walk out... whatever it takes if the method of entertainment does not entertain. I found the colours to be fine - one possibility is that some players may suffer from a touch of colour blindness.
replyagree with logicl.vr. just relax and do the puzzle, had no problem with colors. thanks, not like you paid a premium price and demand satisfaction
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Most people who provide feedback on puzzles are just trying to provide some information that might help the puzzle makers improve their process or make it more fun for more people. Most of the people who create the puzzles appreciate the feedback and respond politely. No one is trying to make it personal. No one is demanding satisfaction here.
replyWell, I liked it a lot - colours were similar but distinguishable, and the logic was clever.
replyI generally prefer the black and white puzzles, because I enjoy the logic part of solving, and most of the colour puzzles have too much information in the patterns of the colours to need a lot of logic to solve. But this puzzle was brilliant. Nice colours, and other than the right column, there were no gimmes. And yet, I never felt frustrated, with a little hunting, I could always find one more square, one at a time until the end.
replyRather clever, key was working with the limitations of 2nd lightest green and working out from there
replysorry, I did not enjoy doing this puzzle. Had a lot of trouble with the greens
replyThis puzzle has possibly more comments than I've ever seen on one puzzle.
replyI thought this was either a terrarium or an egg-shaped globe of the Earth.