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Japanese crossword «Lola Caricola (CatDog)»

Size: 40x29Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:07.08.21Author: cheys

swford (8 August 2021, 23:07) complain
I'm squinting and can't quite see it.
cleveregg (8 September 2022, 3:45) complain
I had to look up who Lola Caricola is: a whip-poor-will with purple skin, a big hat with a feather in it, a red dress, and a bright yellow beak. This looks quite accurate!
cleveregg (8 September 2022, 3:48) complain
Oh no, I forgot to put spoiler tags on my comment! I'm so sorry.
kaatjeflipse (27 December 2022, 14:52) complain
Nice picture, agree with swford
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