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Japanese crossword «Chinese seagull»

Size: 28x30Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:06.08.21Author: seans

GulfCoastGuppy (7 August 2021, 1:45) complain
...or Peking duck!
Chorton (7 August 2021, 2:04) complain
Ha ha!
carola (7 August 2021, 12:15) complain
looks like a wind up chicken!
Anaderol (8 August 2021, 12:19) complain
Funny - :):)
swford (8 August 2021, 19:11) complain
I know you meant this in fun, and I'm sorry to be a party pooper, but this is offensive to me.
I'm striving to be more sensitive to racial stereotypes.
show: 2 🗨
Flurple (10 August 2021, 2:20) complain
Hoped to see a comment like this...
I don't see the benefit of pictures like this on this site, with everything you could choose from..
Noc (8 March 2023, 12:22) complain
yeah same, this isn't even funny
LindR (3 October 2021, 9:51) complain
Good to see that humor are used to put a smile on faces!
LindR (3 October 2021, 9:53) complain
Then a question to swford and flurple: why is it racial if the nation depicted has darker skin? Everybody have an image of a certain race, so I don't think these images are racial. Just my penny...
show: 1 🗨
Flurple (16 January 2022, 4:11) complain
I don't think depicting darker skinned people is seen as racist by anyone, tying a country to that is not an issue I think? I agree that everyone has a different immage in their head when thinking of a countries people, I just hope it isn't "your racist grandma" calliber stuff like this.
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