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Japanese crossword «They are a couple»

Size: 65x60Picture:9/10Difficulty:7/10Added:28.07.21Author: anikina2021

Small-boss (29 July 2021, 6:37) complain
ah, to be a horse in love
Julie_Sanders (31 July 2021, 15:46) complain
Luiz (31 August 2021, 17:55) complain
Rlly beautiful, enjoyable, but the lack of blank cells makes it less challenging bc once you discover where the line starts it's very predictable where it ends, so the puzzle can be a little mechanical to do, less thinking and more mechanical, idk. But I know that it's needed to do the shades and to do it more realistic and that's why I love your puzzles and give prefference to solve them <3 I just would like to see more blank spaces between the images, like the lightest horse
euro (16 January 2022, 20:20) complain
Puzzle 26o thanks
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