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Japanese crossword «Jennifer Lawrence»

Size: 45x45Picture:9/10Difficulty:7/10Added:22.07.21Author: tonyli

littlefish (23 July 2021, 12:03) complain
Probably a good picture, but WAY too little differences between colors!
Onyx (24 July 2021, 10:08) complain
The picture was great, but the white was impossible to see, and some of the colors were too close. I finished it because I'm stubborn, but it got pretty frustrating as I had to click each number as I couldn't tell what color I was looking at. Very recognizable tho.
show: 1 🗨
Totoche (26 July 2021, 7:01) complain
I don't speak english very well, but you said all what I think. I pass three days on this puzzle
Suzanne_Mixa (27 July 2021, 5:25) complain
This was probably the most tedious puzzle I've ever done because there were so many 1's and 2's and the colors were so similar. I worked on it for 3 nights. The result is amazing though.
poppliopal (3 August 2021, 6:46) complain
this puzzle wasn't exactly the most DIFFICULT technically speaking, it actually flowed surprisingly well, but other commenters are correct that it was quite time consuming, especially with all the very small areas of the same color together, and the extremely close shades. still, the final image is incredible! i suppose it is all those single pixels of color are what makes it come out so photorealistic
robi80 (24 February 2024, 2:10) complain
Shades are a lot harder than the puzzle. Unreasonable.
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