Japanese crossword «Among Us»
Size: 11x12 | Picture:![]() | Difficulty:![]() | Added: | 10.06.21 | Author: DucManh |
I have been duped once again, fool that I am.
Enticed by the small size, bright colors, I was dragged into a false sense of security; just another "tiny" sized nonogram for me to complete on my homework break.
I should have been more careful.
I should have known.
Not even taking a glimpse at the comments, I rushed to complete the puzzle. As usual, I wondered what wonderful low-resolution picture would be revealed as a reward for my deduction and puzzle-solving skills.
I filled in more boxes, knowing exactly where to place the colors necessary to complete the piece. As I blindly followed the numbers that guided me closer to the truth, a small voice cried inside my head. A hero of sorts, trying to save me from my terrible fate, telling me to stop before the monster hidden within the depths of this puzzle was revealed.
But it was too late.
replyEnticed by the small size, bright colors, I was dragged into a false sense of security; just another "tiny" sized nonogram for me to complete on my homework break.
I should have been more careful.
I should have known.
Not even taking a glimpse at the comments, I rushed to complete the puzzle. As usual, I wondered what wonderful low-resolution picture would be revealed as a reward for my deduction and puzzle-solving skills.
I filled in more boxes, knowing exactly where to place the colors necessary to complete the piece. As I blindly followed the numbers that guided me closer to the truth, a small voice cried inside my head. A hero of sorts, trying to save me from my terrible fate, telling me to stop before the monster hidden within the depths of this puzzle was revealed.
But it was too late.
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Alas as I sit in the hall of study as my mind begins to muddy I start a nonogram but twas I turned to the lamb brought to the slaughter like another piece of fodder to clobber the SUSpicion had arisen I felt a fool used as a tool there it was in front of me an imposter I thought I had lost her but this time it will cost her a picture rating of 1 although I did have fun twas it fair to share another accosted affair "ALAS NO MORE" I said as I walked toward the door although I heard a rapping a tapping at the chamber door.
replyThere it was. The impostor from the smash-hit game Among Us. It was just visible enough for it to let me know:
"I am here"
"You have revealed me"
"This is YOUR fault"
Fear, sadness, anger; these emotions flowed through my body, taking me on the emotional equivalent of nausea-inducing carnival ride. A rollercoaster, if you will. WHY is IT here? WHY is this HAPPENING to me? So many questions to be left unanswered.
So I sat there. Stunned, horrified. Regretful. Did I deserve this? Is this my doing? Who knows.
reply"I am here"
"You have revealed me"
"This is YOUR fault"
Fear, sadness, anger; these emotions flowed through my body, taking me on the emotional equivalent of nausea-inducing carnival ride. A rollercoaster, if you will. WHY is IT here? WHY is this HAPPENING to me? So many questions to be left unanswered.
So I sat there. Stunned, horrified. Regretful. Did I deserve this? Is this my doing? Who knows.
I don't know if I can return here. The terror, fury, and shame that this has induced may be too much for me to handle, even if that means no longer returning to the place I once, almost, thought of as home. It simply isn't worth the pain.
Please, dear reader, hear my story, heed my warning. Be careful. IT is always there. You simply must avoid it, by whatever means possible. You simply have too much potential, too many experiences to have, immeasurable happiness to gain; this simply cannot be your end. It is not worth risking. Please take care.
anyways, that imposter do be lookin kinda sus doe
replyPlease, dear reader, hear my story, heed my warning. Be careful. IT is always there. You simply must avoid it, by whatever means possible. You simply have too much potential, too many experiences to have, immeasurable happiness to gain; this simply cannot be your end. It is not worth risking. Please take care.
anyways, that imposter do be lookin kinda sus doe
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I had no context, so I completed this in oblivion ... and then discovered what I had wrought inadvertently ;-)
MrDiamondEgg you turned this from a simple fun puzzle into a terrifying experience that may send me running from the room.
But I'm a sucker for nonograms, so I'll be back :-D
replyMrDiamondEgg you turned this from a simple fun puzzle into a terrifying experience that may send me running from the room.
But I'm a sucker for nonograms, so I'll be back :-D
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Lol thanks. Honestly I was just stressed out from homework and needed a creative outlet, which apparently was writing an essay on Among Us.
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MrDiamondEgg. Three.years.later...
Just when I overcame my terror of Daleks these things came. They are here, my son spared no detail in warning me. He, too, was procrastinating over homework. I had not understood fully the SUS.
I remain traumatised. Thank you for your warnings - not a moment too soon - I fear complacency had begun to set in. I think I saw one - recently. It was under a bed, just staring.
You're a hero - thank you
replyJust when I overcame my terror of Daleks these things came. They are here, my son spared no detail in warning me. He, too, was procrastinating over homework. I had not understood fully the SUS.
I remain traumatised. Thank you for your warnings - not a moment too soon - I fear complacency had begun to set in. I think I saw one - recently. It was under a bed, just staring.
You're a hero - thank you
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can you explain how to become an author? i want to try to make a few.
replySimple, small, pleasant, but still a very lovely experience. Thank you.
replyI'm not a fan of this game. But for a debut puzzle, it's okay.
The personage is similar, the colors are bright, pleasant. I wish you success!
replyThe personage is similar, the colors are bright, pleasant. I wish you success!
MrDiamondEgg...I'm sorry I can't rate you, because you'd get excellent
replyThese nonograms ( or hanjie, or iraroji, back in the day) keep me up with youth culture. Just when I thought I knew it all, back I go to Wikipedia to find out a new reference.
replyI love this site! My fellow puzzlers, you are so entertaining!
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Perfecto tripulante de Among Us. Como jugadora activa del juego me encanta, así que te doy mi máxima puntuación. Bien, bien. Me encantaría en amarillo... ;)
replyA masterpiece. Such nice use of composition, line, colour, contrast and balance- all in a nonogram. Leonardo da Vinci would be jealous.
replyHalfway through I realized what it was and almost just closed the tab right then and there, but I didn't want it sitting there, waiting for me half completed. I wish there was a tag for them that I could use to filter them out.
I would call these things the new minions but that would be unfair to minions since at least minions can look different and even be in different poses whereas these always look exactly the same.
replyI would call these things the new minions but that would be unfair to minions since at least minions can look different and even be in different poses whereas these always look exactly the same.
The subject means nothing to me. Pleasant to solve though.
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That picture title is wrong and should be renamed to "Red Crewmate (Among Us)".
replyFor some reason, I was having trouble with the face.
Every single time, I don't realize what I'm solving until the very last pixel. Then it slaps me in the face!
i haven't even finished this puzzle and i already know who you've given me
replySo the picture is scary and fun at the same time. Like watching a thriller from behind a bank of pillows.
The comments, too, are priceless
replyThe comments, too, are priceless