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Japanese crossword «Rapidash (Pokemon)»

Size: 71x73Picture:9/10Difficulty:8/10Added:25.05.21Author: anikina2021

Caranella (26 May 2021, 20:44) complain
BEAUTIFUL! and full of lots of detail! loved it :)
caranium (28 May 2021, 9:50) complain
lovely !! i have always loved rapidash. i hope you will make more pokemon puzzles! this one was very fun :)
HanjieMaster (4 June 2021, 14:57) complain
Excellent. Took me ages but well worth it. I find it really frustrating/annoying that the numbers on the edges are only blanked out when you have found all the numbers up to the edge! It is so hard to keep track of where you are and which numbers you need to manually erase. No fault of the author, just venting my frustrations. I'm sure other users have similar feelings.
show: 1 🗨
Luiz (29 June 2021, 18:00) complain
Exactly! It's annoying too that I have to scroll all the time to see the numbers, it should be fixed on the top/left, idk, some way to get less tired. But the pic is awesome though
LionHeart9357 (7 June 2021, 15:43) complain
I love the detail it looks amazing!
euro (1 December 2021, 1:17) complain
robi80 (7 August 2023, 16:13) complain
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