Japanese crossword «Lord Voldemort Wand»
Size: 80x11 | Picture: | Difficulty: | Added: | 27.03.21 | Author: mindscrub |
I really enjoyed this one. You got all the little details of the wand.
replySo pleased to see you're doing coloured puzzles as well as b&w. Thanks.
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Yes, thanks, color is nice, but my artistic talents are very limited, and I also like to keep things as minimal as possible, so it is usually B&W for me.
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Don't be too modest about your skills! And yeah, I get it that you prefer to do B&W, but I do hope you'll still throw in some colour puzzles like these. :-)
replyI prefer your b&w puzzles… so here is a nudge in a direction I think would produce awesome puzzles: use a b&w base and and a few color pixels. If the puzzle is big enough, a few color pixels would not make it too simple to solve. An example of what i mean: you made a Xmas puzzle where there was a red dot on a single deer nose. That dot made the puzzle made the puzzle much more intersting than a version without red noses.
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Ah, that one ( www.nonograms.org/nonograms2/i/51773 ), yes, but there was also red elsewhere in the puzzle. If you only use a few pixels of color, this site will tell you to rework the puzzle in B&W; they don't want just a few colored pixels. I did intentionally use this method once ( www.nonograms.org/nonograms2/i/42682 ) and they made me add more red to it before it was accepted. But it is a good idea; I will keep it in mind.
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What a pity the decision makers have such non artistic criteria!
Since you’re so kind to answer quickly, what is the link to the prize of the challenge? I finally ended up all of yor puzzles
replySince you’re so kind to answer quickly, what is the link to the prize of the challenge? I finally ended up all of yor puzzles
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Congrats! Another winner! The puzzle was first linked in the comments to this puzzle: www.nonograms.org/nonograms/i/59030. However, here is another link to it! And yes, my "splash of color" series in progress was inspired by your idea of using a little color in a B&W puzzle. These are harder than your average 2-color puzzles. https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/puzzles/js/pattern.html#15x15:5/6.4/3.2/
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