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Japanese crossword «Lawn mower»

Size: 35x45Picture:9/10Difficulty:5/10Added:13.02.21Author: HarshHugh

Ruth (16 February 2021, 19:26) complain
Unexpected. I thought I was working on a bird.
georgem (17 February 2021, 3:46) complain
unique subject, and nice picture
sstrauss (4 March 2021, 22:04) complain
lookin a lil sus if you ask me
T_Rex (11 April 2021, 2:08) complain
Looks like it might be one of those new electric models.
lenny_kouwenberg (1 June 2022, 2:50) complain
Utterly brilliant, I was smiling so hard when I realized what I was solving halfway through!
Ageleni (6 July 2024, 3:58) complain
Okay, this gave me some thoughts. I did most of the light gray, plus the black part on top (none of the yellows yet), and it looked like something VERY interesting, which would have warranted an 18+ rating. The more I worked on it, the most it looked like this. I was literally laughing out loud, because I knew it could NOT be this thing, but it didn't look like anything else!

Then when filling in the dark gray and the yellows, I was convinced it would be a bird.

Toward the very end, as the bottom came into view, I thought it was going to be a racing car.

So the final result was very surprising!
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