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Japanese crossword «I'm hugging you ("Peanuts")»

Size: 38x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:6/10Added:17.08.20Author: Cartoonka

Author Cartoonka (18 August 2020, 0:02) complain
Frieda is a fictional character in the comic strip Peanuts by Charles Schulz. She is known for having naturally curly hair, of which she is extremely proud. According to Schulz, Frieda's character was inspired by his longtime friend Frieda Rich, a local artist whom he met while taking classes at the Art Instruction Schools in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Frieda Rich, Charlie Brown and Linus van Pelt became very good friends.
swagatron (5 February 2021, 18:41) complain
love it!
Jamic (2 March 2023, 12:39) complain
The hair were so tedious to complete that tonight, I may have nightm'hair. ;-)
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