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Japanese crossword «There's a glock in my guac»

Size: 75x69Picture:8/10Difficulty:8/10Added:10.05.20Author: xanavrin

Julie_Sanders (11 May 2020, 0:10) complain
Lovely to see a large challenge looking forward solving it
Julie_Sanders (11 May 2020, 17:38) complain
Good fun thank you! more of these larger challenges welcome
TigerLilly (12 May 2020, 2:12) complain
I didn't see the intended picture until I read the caption. I thought this was an angry bird. Felt very much in the style of Big_Angry_Wolf, though not the same subject matter as those pics.
Choco_56229345 (12 May 2020, 23:29) complain
Is it a world map? is it a fish bowl? is it a Chinese base? Do it lots of fun
stb527 (13 May 2020, 1:10) complain
Was time consuming but I loved the humor of the picture and the detail!
Author xanavrin (13 May 2020, 23:19) complain
Sorry if English isn't your first language, the joke probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense in other languages
show: 1 🗨
ANGRYGOOSEAAAAAAAA (9 January 2022, 7:30) complain
heh heh guac glock. try doing a glock chocolate bar, or T H E G L O C O L A T E B A R !
ndhHardy (29 May 2020, 0:04) complain
OMG, laughed a lot. Didn't see it until completely done!
stephanie406 (20 November 2020, 22:35) complain
knew what the dark object was pretty early as it's distinctive and easier to put together than the surrounding green. love the pun in the name.
bolognasandvich (12 February 2021, 1:47) complain
looks like a gun in pewwk
robi80 (23 November 2021, 17:26) complain
Extremely detailed ergo tedious to solve, but very nice picture.
holicow (30 May 2022, 6:42) complain
Based on a true story
Ishana (13 September 2024, 12:47) complain
kind of tedious and wtf is that image
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