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Japanese crossword «Cheetah»

Size: 45x45Picture:9/10Difficulty:7/10Added:15.11.19Author: Big_Angry_Wolf

Repel (16 November 2019, 18:35) complain
Nono_Granny (17 November 2019, 23:02) complain
Another perfect exemplar of mother nature's wonders.
Author Big_Angry_Wolf (21 November 2019, 22:30) complain
Thank you all for your feedback! I'm sorry I didn't answer sooner. I thought that none of the English speakers did not write to me:/
And then, I looked at the English version of the site and realized that the reviews are separate.
VicW (26 November 2019, 2:14) complain
Wow, that was the hardest crossword for me for some reason, but worth the final result. Great picture!
Lawi (15 May 2020, 23:03) complain
This was consistently challenging, almost till the very end. And some of it was the intricate pattern, but often it was genuinely difficult to solve. Since the pattern itself was beautiful and unusual, I was never bored. Great work!
Nix (6 September 2020, 5:34) complain
Absolutely beautiful! Thank you - I really enjoyed it, and it challenged me well. Lovely
euro (13 February 2021, 13:15) complain
Puzzle 29o
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