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Japanese crossword «Alexandre Cabanel "Autoportrait"»

Size: 36x45Picture:9/10Difficulty:6/10Added:10.11.19Author: Eric_Windeman

SylverDragon (24 February 2020, 6:50) complain
Had to look him up. Well done. I got everything done but the face and I decided it was a Zombie Bob Ross. :p.
Alone4220 (26 March 2020, 2:22) complain
It's gorgeous colors, and a pretty picture too, but I have to say it's not a great nonogram... it's a lot of just filling in rows after a while, counting for tiny numbers, trial and error since you have *one* square of color left and like 3 spaces, etc. It gets very tedious and annoying after a while haha. Maybe try to practice with smaller, more nonogram friendly pictures (maybe black and white ones would work better with your style!)
lenny_kouwenberg (12 October 2022, 14:52) complain
Lovely result and I like that it was pretty easy without being boring. No trial and error needed at all.
melodiousb (11 August 2023, 17:07) complain
Just want to note that no trial and error is required to complete this puzzle. Nice picture!
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