Japanese crossword «Eyes»
Size: 34x17 | Picture:![]() | Difficulty:![]() | Added: | 08.11.19 | Author: IrenaK |
Wow! I'm impressed by this one. Didn't figure out what it was even at the end, until I read the title! Very artistic and not too complicated!
replyFecking tedious, I should know better than to pick a puzzle with so many ones.
replyHard to see the image without the thumbnail. Very beautiful!
replySubtle - no idea what it was until I read the title. Beautiful realism while still being relatively simple.
replya surprise, didn't see til I read title, really good thanks
replyThe puzzle wasn't difficult. And the picture at the end wasn't very satisfying.
replyWow! I love the colors, so that made the "tedious" solving less so for me. And I, like others, had to read the title and then squint just right to see the picture -- but it's beautiful!
replyI thought for a while this was a landscape - then I thought it was a parent and child birds or dinosaurs. But now I see it - amazing!