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Japanese crossword «Sea king»

Size: 40x28Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:18.09.19Author: imari13

smartymarty (19 September 2019, 8:08) complain
I don't know what this is, and if you don't know what it is this is a fairly unsatisfying picture
show: 1 🗨
Kirtres (19 September 2019, 16:43) complain
It's a merman with blue beard and blue tail, holding a trifork
nono-nono (19 September 2019, 16:49) complain
Sea king? It appears to be a fish with a crown and a trident
ndhHardy (20 September 2019, 19:08) complain
Since someone already gave away that it's the sea king, it's obviously King Neptune! I liked it.
swford (30 April 2020, 23:55) complain
This one stumped me until I read the title. Then I had to squint to see it.
While I was solving it, I thought it was a witch on a broomstick.
Karal_Daskin (19 July 2020, 10:23) complain
Once I’d done the fork I knew what it would be, but the head is hard to make out.
Ageleni (25 October 2023, 7:57) complain
Does he have a long face, like a cartoon duck? Or am I seeing it wrong?
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