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Japanese crossword «Contemplative Stitch ("Lilo and Stitch")»

Size: 43x45Picture:9/10Difficulty:6/10Added:27.06.19Author: Cartoonka

Author Cartoonka (28 June 2019, 7:13) complain
Experiment 626 (Stitch) was the genetic experiment created by Jumba. He was designed to be virtually indestructible, fireproof, bulletproof, shockproof, think faster than a supercomputer, have super sight and hearing, and lift objects 3,000 times his own weight (but not an ounce more). Shortly after his creation, the intergalactic police arrived to arrest 626 and Jumba, preventing 626's molecules from being fully charged in the process. He was created by Dr. Jumba Jookiba from six or more of the galaxy's deadliest predators, though instead of him appearing vicious, he appeared to be cute and fluffy.
Otelia_Dean (28 June 2019, 12:36) complain
lovely puzzle, thanks
Guest: Jobra (28 June 2019, 23:13) complain
Author Cartoonka (29 June 2019, 10:19) complain
Thank you very much!!
sallyg (11 August 2019, 8:06) complain
This was so much fun to do, and I love the picture! Thanks!
Lawi (10 December 2020, 16:41) complain
Awww, the picture was such a wonderful surprise!
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