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Japanese crossword «Trumpet»

Size: 27x17Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:26.04.19Author: ORatki

GulfCoastGuppy (27 April 2019, 4:47) complain
Nice pic!
Guest: liz (27 April 2019, 6:57) complain
Alyaa (27 April 2019, 13:00) complain
Wow, I had a hard time with this one. And I still don't understand the hint I used to get through it ** I feel like I'll replay it sometime, haha!
Nice pic and challenge, thank you! :D
amied (28 April 2019, 3:40) complain
Thought it was a snail for the longest time. There is too much guessing involved in order to solve this. Pretty annoying
show: 3 🗨
marina_v (11 August 2019, 12:37) complain
He he, I thought it would be a snail too.
Maiju (27 October 2020, 20:43) complain
There was no guessing involved. It was possible to solve the puzzle using only logic.
show: 1 🗨
sthonnekeri (26 August 2022, 22:34) complain
I had no problem either, guess it is the way people's minds work. I am sure there are puzzles that I feel are difficult that others find easy. This one was super easy for me although others felt otherwise.
charlemagne (28 April 2019, 22:33) complain
Looks like a post horn to me. But a good pic and challenge
hotmailjen (29 April 2019, 0:41) complain
Definitely not a trumpet, but fun to do.
brumeux77 (7 May 2019, 0:24) complain
Trumpet: a wind instrument consisting of a conical or cylindrical usually metal tube, a cup-shaped mouthpiece, and a flared bell.

The trumpet in an orchestra is a specific type of the generic word trumpet. This is a trumpet, generally speaking.
boudiemaggie (7 May 2019, 18:53) complain
I think I would call it a French Horn. Kept me guessing until the last note.
Corpore (13 May 2019, 13:48) complain
Thursday (22 June 2020, 18:37) complain
Lots of white space, fun to do
babsghia (4 March 2021, 4:56) complain
it is a vintage style, have seen in old paintings, nice thanks
Mister_Stryker (15 October 2021, 15:06) complain
As a person who use to play this instrument. This is more of a horn than a trumpet
Celandine (5 December 2021, 22:53) complain
I found this very hard to start. The blue part gave me a clue about what the rest was, but didn't actually help with it much. 14 minutes, but no hints.
Fulminis (5 February 2023, 5:12) complain
French horn, not a trumpet. But pretty and a good puzzle - not too hard, not too easy.
Llyn (11 May 2023, 3:13) complain
I did find it hard to get a start after the blue part, but worked it out in the end. Love the notes toot toot :)
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