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Japanese crossword «Infinity Gauntlet»

Size: 26x37Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:26.04.19Author: Small-boss

hotmailjen (28 April 2019, 20:25) complain
I thought it was a 5 eyed dog.
skarabee (28 April 2019, 22:04) complain
fun to do and similar
show: 2 🗨
rjmclaughlin (2 May 2019, 20:34) complain
Yeah, I showed my husband, because he loves Marvel, and the first thing out of his mouth was "Four eyed squirrel?"
show: 1 🗨
swford (30 June 2019, 22:36) complain
LouisCanard (30 April 2019, 21:55) complain
brumeux77 (7 May 2019, 6:03) complain
It'll never get solved here. The colors are depressing (after the top third) and a couple of them too much alike; the puzzle is too large to fit on the screen, unless I shrink it too small to see the numbers; and (after having read the spoilers and thus knowing what it is) it doesn't look too much like what it is. It needs fingers, and a lot less gauntlet.
swford (30 June 2019, 22:38) complain
Phew! Lots of single squares and similar colors.
I didn't know what it was until I read the title.
Ambitious puzzle!
rhymeswithmike (5 October 2019, 8:08) complain
Not so much difficult as time consuming, with all the single blocks. Great result, though!
IziEzi (12 October 2020, 5:09) complain
Nicely done, thank you
dcardarelli2 (6 December 2023, 20:08) complain
This puzzle was awesome. I did the colors on top first and knew what it'd be. I do this on my work computer during lunch and the colors are different enough on my screen that it looks great for "shinyness" of the gauntlet. Great puzzle. Keep it up, Small-Boss.
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