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Japanese crossword «Crab»

Size: 18x18Picture:7/10Difficulty:6/10Added:07.04.19Author: frostbyte1945

Guest: liz (8 April 2019, 3:16) complain
Ready to eat!
Maria_Gloria_Schwarze (8 April 2019, 4:08) complain
It´s very difficult to distinguish the diferent shades of red.
JimboP (8 April 2019, 17:56) complain
Answer looked great! But I would just made color 2 same as 3; I had to give up because I couldn't tell them apart.
Jak25 (9 April 2019, 2:24) complain
Adorable x) Love the eyes, specially. Also, regarding the colours, I've found puzzles where they were nightmarish, and the end result didn't pay off. I'm proud to say that this is not one of those, despite the close shades of red!
swford (14 April 2019, 23:22) complain
beckzaca (17 April 2019, 10:45) complain
I like how the different shades of red/orange create an ombre effect.
whiteswans (25 April 2019, 17:26) complain
My poor eyes..
Very beautiful but it was vary difficult to distinguish the shades of red/orange
MGbg (2 May 2019, 18:26) complain
Hmm, this was a little tough to solve, still fun, a little tricky...
MoiIndeed (3 May 2019, 2:14) complain
Cute but tricky!
michis_daughter (24 September 2019, 12:03) complain
Give me the secret formuler!!
Kasting (25 September 2019, 20:23) complain
I'm sorry, rows of single pixels of the same color make for a bad puzzle. Because every edge has the same brown outline, there is no clue as to which line the edge even starts on. Get rid of the outline, or at least put some breaks in it.
Mac_May (16 October 2019, 15:34) complain
I'm not personally a fan of the ones with shades so close together but there are people who prefer that.
nemo11 (2 April 2020, 17:56) complain
Challenging - but so rewarding! The image is brilliant and the thumbnail super cute!
rocknbozo (11 July 2021, 16:12) complain
thought it was going to be a pepper
Kalou (21 April 2024, 23:13) complain
Colors too similar, otherwise easy, thank's
Alen_Starkly (7 July 2024, 21:15) complain
The similarity in colors makes the puzzle a bit hard, but colors aside, it's not that hard.
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