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Japanese crossword «Fan»

Size: 13x17Picture:5/10Difficulty:3/10Added:09.03.19Author: frostbyte1945

Corpore (10 March 2019, 10:48) complain
TheDarkoko (10 March 2019, 23:32) complain
celestejoi89 (11 March 2019, 5:02) complain
Why gray-scale? It's barely recognizable as what it says it is.
Heather_Williams (12 March 2019, 15:42) complain
I enjoyed this one with the more abstract picture even though it was symmetrical which makes it easier to solve
Sarei (17 March 2019, 18:27) complain
I like it, frostbyte!
wildkat (8 June 2019, 21:57) complain
Doesn't belong under colour puzzles.
show: 2 🗨
JUDIT (23 November 2020, 19:52) complain
it's under color puzzles because the grey counts as a color. Black and white puzzles have only black and white. They are also different to solve. With a black and white puzzle, you count on the fact that there is ALWAYS a space between two numbers. 3 2 3 has to be XXX-XX-XXX with some number of spaces between. But with color puzzles, if 3 2 3 are different colors it could be XXXYYXXX OR XXX-YY-XXX etc.
show: 1 🗨
wildkat (7 April 2021, 16:21) complain
You're absolutely right. I was newer to this site at the time I left this message and I understood this later but, at the time, it didn't seem like it belonged. Thank you for your reply. :)
Giuliano (18 June 2019, 15:53) complain
It is recognizable but more colors would help.
marina_v (1 August 2019, 9:09) complain
Looks like an alien. He's a "fan" of human kind ;)
Mlyons (12 August 2019, 5:12) complain
I think it's fine. My fans are metallic - whites, silvers, greys. I didn't know what it was until finished but that is OK.
Kasting (26 September 2019, 5:32) complain
Could be a dive helmet, parking meter, gas mask, steering wheel, car logo, looks like a bunch of things. A weight lifting muscle man robot!
ainaa (2 February 2021, 22:29) complain
I thought it was a steering wheel. but I like it anyways
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