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Japanese crossword «Lake»

Size: 15x15Picture:6/10Difficulty:3/10Added:13.04.14

Guest: Beanburrito (2 August 2014, 11:50) complain
Thanks! My first color nonogram!
Guest: Nao (16 August 2014, 3:06) complain
What is this image?
Guest: Me :) (22 August 2014, 16:35) complain
A watering can?
Guest: Bonnie (27 September 2014, 12:33) complain
a fish? not sure
Guest: Yane (3 October 2014, 4:36) complain
It looks like a watering can...
Guest: cyaeger41 (17 January 2015, 20:05) complain
Again not sure what it is.
Guest: Pippa (26 February 2015, 3:38) complain
A Watering Can
Guest: Jeff (23 March 2015, 14:30) complain
Picture is unidentifiable
Guest: duh (18 July 2015, 2:01) complain
obviously a watering can
Selimnon (23 March 2016, 7:05) complain
Nice watering can. Not sure why it's titled "Lake".
show: 1 🗨
travelmom (9 December 2022, 21:34) complain
probably a translation glitch
Womantis (19 November 2016, 22:12) complain
Watering can. With a tiny lake contained within?
Palouday (23 December 2016, 9:48) complain
We have a consensus. It's a watering can. And a cute one at that!
Dave_Bernstein (2 March 2017, 13:59) complain
It's a watering can floating in an algae filled lake.
FellHarbor (19 April 2017, 23:14) complain
Very nice, easy to do with what I had assumed was an obvious image. Definitely a watering can - one with the large piece on the nozzle end to sprinkle plants instead of just pour. Probably also helps that I just did the puzzle with the vase of flowers. :P
CindyLou (18 October 2017, 0:10) complain
nice pix assuming it is a watering can. I think the title got lost in translation
ethan_harte (26 November 2017, 23:06) complain
how do you find/create an puzzle to submit? iv´e sent in like 35 but all say error .plz help!
Guest: Tuk (18 June 2018, 20:35) complain
oh, figuring out what the author meant by the name is almost as fun as the puzzle itself ;) Here's what I found out: Russian name for "watering can" is something akin to "lyeyka" which sounds a bit like "lake". So, possibly, the author thought that "lake" is a name of this object. Nice pic, anyway.
show: 1 🗨
Christinewho (13 May 2019, 22:47) complain
This make sense. xD Poor him/her. He could just have but it at the name they use. Even if it wouldn't have been right either. But it would've been better than lake. :D
Christinewho (13 May 2019, 22:49) complain
I'm pretty sure your first language isn't even English. But, we don't call this lake.
Lake is mmm I don't really know how to explain it. Oh, a lake is water, but really smaller than the ocean. There are artificial one that are created too so yeah.
This is a watering can. Also, I don't think the creator as an account :D
Celandine (25 August 2020, 2:50) complain
not what I call a lake, but nice
Anaderol (18 July 2021, 12:03) complain
Looks like a blue kettle.
technologist (19 December 2021, 4:18) complain
Author might typed Leyka (watering can in russian) but program possibly was autocorrected it
Sid_the_sloth (21 February 2023, 18:52) complain
Lake??? Its a Watering can!!!
ilovetoon1 (13 February 2024, 10:02) complain
3.54 n!cee
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