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Japanese crossword «Flower»

Size: 15x15Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:13.04.14

David_King (25 April 2016, 9:21) complain
A bit tricky but fun
Palouday (28 December 2016, 18:22) complain
Quite nice. Once you've completed it, try adding 1-2 more red pixels to the centre of each petal. You may like it even more.
Guest: Bethany. D (1 April 2017, 1:05) complain
I know this is waaaay of the topic but anyway, this is my pun that I made up.

I've been to Egypt so many times that I know the point of the Pharoah's piramid.

Hope you enjoyed that! :)
Guest: loxie (23 April 2017, 12:26) complain
*off* not of, and *pyramid* not piramid
Guest: EvilBob (7 June 2017, 6:59) complain
True, the word pyramid was misspelled, but the word "of" is absolutely correct.
Guest: inid (4 September 2017, 0:33) complain
Not bad. A little easier than I prefer, and the flower could have had a little more detail added (Palouday was correct, IMO)
michis_daughter (10 January 2019, 2:21) complain
Very striking!
Alfiebeau (4 June 2019, 0:24) complain
Love the pic. Love the pun. Thanks to all!
Triciaann (15 May 2020, 14:43) complain
In the U.S., the bright green and red are traditional Christmas colors, and the poinsettia is a traditional Christmas flower -- I wonder if that's what the artist was going for? More red and a smaller yellow in the middle would do it.
3strikesurout (6 March 2021, 12:48) complain
I love the use of white space in this puzzle!
scsmith (13 December 2022, 20:56) complain
Really like this design and it was fun to complete
ilovetoon1 (13 February 2024, 9:30) complain
5.35 n!cee
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