Japanese crossword «Flower»
Size: 15x15 | Picture: | Difficulty: | Added: | 13.04.14 |
Quite nice. Once you've completed it, try adding 1-2 more red pixels to the centre of each petal. You may like it even more.
replyI know this is waaaay of the topic but anyway, this is my pun that I made up.
I've been to Egypt so many times that I know the point of the Pharoah's piramid.
Hope you enjoyed that! :)
replyI've been to Egypt so many times that I know the point of the Pharoah's piramid.
Hope you enjoyed that! :)
True, the word pyramid was misspelled, but the word "of" is absolutely correct.
replyNot bad. A little easier than I prefer, and the flower could have had a little more detail added (Palouday was correct, IMO)
In the U.S., the bright green and red are traditional Christmas colors, and the poinsettia is a traditional Christmas flower -- I wonder if that's what the artist was going for? More red and a smaller yellow in the middle would do it.