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Japanese crossword «A young gardener(O. Kiprensky)»

Size: 40x45Picture:9/10Difficulty:6/10Added:20.01.19Author: imari13

Guest: Jobra (21 January 2019, 12:48) complain
Beautiful picture!
Otelia_Dean (22 January 2019, 23:34) complain
lovely, but I admit I had to zoom right out to see what it was. :0 Thanks.
kjhmusic (12 March 2024, 17:11) complain
Love the colors used! Nice.
show: 1 🗨
Lara99 (22 July 2024, 22:50) complain
Same. The color palette is gorgeous. I had no idea, right up to the end, what I was working on. (I have to say that the title makes no sense to me, but I still love it!)
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