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Japanese crossword «Europe»

Size: 100x107Picture:8/10Difficulty:8/10Added:24.09.18Author: jannick

Otelia_Dean (26 September 2018, 5:59) complain
WOW, what a great challenge! Thanks. I realized what it was before I got half way and that helped some.
Sanyipak (27 September 2018, 10:48) complain
An unusual size, perhaps it should be suggested to the owners of the page that there be another section for larger jobs, and that you could scroll on the board setting the numbers, since in these sizes, it is very annoying to be doing manual scroll several times to each frame that we mark. And there are thousands.
Congratulations, waiting for more.
Guest: Jobra (27 September 2018, 17:31) complain
Very difficult, but beautiful!
Julie_Sanders (27 September 2018, 18:47) complain
Great fun thank you
LucretiaWright (2 October 2018, 5:28) complain
Really tough. Half way through I decided to start making educated guesses.
toastmantom (5 October 2018, 22:13) complain
I have never cursed islands more in my life. :D This was a super fun challenge.
stelkam (9 October 2018, 8:57) complain
Excellent job! Totally outstanding!!!
I had really fun while solving, thank you a lot!
In about 1/4 of a job I knew already what I'm looking at, and it helps to some extent. Thanks again!
Suggestion to the owners of the site: it would be useful to have the numbers also in the bottom and to the right, then it would be easier.
show: 2 🗨
Guylaine (24 July 2021, 5:21) complain
I agree with your suggestion!
Liat (7 February 2024, 0:44) complain
I'm thinking it would be more useful to have floating numbers that appear when you highlight something, but IDK how easy that would be to implement. Furthermore, this site is no longer being updated.
froghopper (10 October 2018, 0:27) complain
Nice detail
robi80 (14 October 2018, 23:46) complain
nice & clever
VernonKun (21 October 2018, 8:04) complain
I wonder what the yellow color means...
ERHM (25 October 2018, 16:38) complain
show: 4 🗨
stelkam (5 November 2018, 16:00) complain
I wonder - still not enough people did solve it for statistics?
show: 3 🗨
Author jannick (14 November 2018, 15:19) complain
So it seems.. I guess not many people attempt puzzles of this size
show: 1 🗨
sbeve (30 October 2019, 21:39) complain
My laptop can't really run a nonogram this size...
ERHM (8 September 2020, 18:06) complain
I just left this comment to remember the clear time.
Spiros (30 April 2019, 1:52) complain
I think that, there will always be people, attempting big puzzles.
It's like reaching a mountain peak.
Either to achieve a personal time record, either for fun or just the satisfaction of completing a challenging quest, they will do it.
The best reward, beyond completing such a quest is, to uncover something really special and unique, something to worth the effort, like the view from a mountain's peak.
I'm sorry, to write this, but for me, these kind of pictures are indifferent.
Thank you.
sssssssss (21 January 2021, 22:20) complain
This is extraordinary
NonoStroke (14 January 2022, 16:25) complain
No need for the rivers I would say. The detract from an otherwise good piece of work.
Liat (6 February 2024, 23:04) complain
I've only done the bottom-left for now, but it looks suspiciously similar to the Iberian Peninsula. With the border between Spain and Portugal even. Why that's the only part with a different color? IDK yet.
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