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Japanese crossword «Sakura»

Size: 38x40Picture:9/10Difficulty:8/10Added:15.09.18Author: 119

Janet (31 October 2018, 0:31) complain
Lovely picture & quite a challenge Thank you :))
pengowl (5 February 2019, 10:45) complain
Rough one! But loved the pattern.
Guest: meow (21 November 2019, 20:31) complain
Beautiful image, but a bit laborious. I found it hard to distinguish the light pink from the blank spaces, but that could just be my monitor.
WillowS (7 August 2021, 3:00) complain
Loved the picutre! THe puzzle was hard, but possible without guessing.
org-nonograms (23 September 2021, 4:39) complain
I enjoyed that; thanks! It was uniformly difficult from beginning to end. And a very pretty pic.
LucretiaWright (12 April 2022, 23:45) complain
Not as difficult as I thought it would be. Thanks for the challenge!
9thgrs (30 November 2022, 13:20) complain
tricky little bugger! similarity between pink and orange are part of the challenge. Beautiful image. TY author
Kalou (22 July 2024, 18:49) complain
Very simple and very laborious, the only difficult is the light punk too similar from blank spaces, damage because the picture is beautiful
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