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Japanese crossword «Plant»

Size: 32x30Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:05.09.18Author: Arina

Guest: Loxie (6 September 2018, 12:57) complain
This was surprisingly difficult - lots of single squares and white space. Not quite sure why there were two squares of a different light green which confused me somewhat. Nice end result however.
Guest: Jobra (11 September 2018, 16:24) complain
Very beautiful!
Guest: meow (12 September 2018, 14:44) complain
Nice challenge, all very logical. I agree with Loxie, as far as I can see there is only one square of the other light green, not sure why it's there, except to provide extra difficulty. On my screen, it is impossible to distinguish them.
show: 1 🗨
Guest: meow (12 September 2018, 14:46) complain
I also have to be clear that I love your puzzles, Arina. I always look forward to the challenge and seeing the beautiful images you create. Thanks!
Guest: terkio (16 January 2020, 23:54) complain
Very good.
The "only square of the other light green" doesn't make sense to me.
mortenl (29 April 2021, 23:28) complain
As Guest:terkio I don't understand what you mean when you talk of "the other light green". There is 6 colours in the puzzle and only one light green. Perhaps the puzzle originally had 7 colours ?
show: 1 🗨
flg (28 September 2021, 20:07) complain
Those 'light green' comments date back to 2018. I saw similar comments on another puzzle. It looks like the site makers have been ironing out some bugs.
Kalou (20 December 2023, 23:40) complain
Good, thank's
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