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Japanese crossword «Plant»

Size: 34x34Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:12.07.18Author: Arina

Maluca (13 July 2018, 3:35) complain
Esa planta si que no la reconozco. Don't worry!
Lisa_Alexander (13 July 2018, 6:36) complain
Nice! I found this one to be really hard for some reason.
Guest: meow (13 July 2018, 14:14) complain
Quite tricky, but all very logical. Thanks!
ndhHardy (14 July 2018, 20:35) complain
Very nice, agree tricky, but just needed logic instead of constant counting.
Guest: CyMo (16 July 2018, 6:58) complain
This one is quite tough. Requires a lot of checking where formations can't be.
Denis_Krzysztala (17 July 2018, 20:28) complain
On this crossword I hate that in my head I am telling myself "This green here and now 5 of those greens there." Nevertheless it's very challenging but beautiful one!
swford (21 July 2018, 22:02) complain
Lots of single squares and using the tactic of searching for where a color CANNOT be located. Makes for a tough challenge.
I had to guess at the top, though. I couldn't find the mathematical logic, but there is a visual logic to solving that area, so all is not lost.
Give it a try!
Alyaa (23 July 2018, 3:52) complain
It's was hard, I loved it! Great challenge, thanks! :D
David_King (22 August 2018, 10:57) complain
Another beautiful picture, Arina. It looks like something a Russian friend gave us years ago and which is doing very well. Do you know what it's called?
Karal_Daskin (30 April 2020, 10:41) complain
Tricky! Worth coming back to again and again to finish, though :)
Janet (15 May 2020, 8:34) complain
Very nice - thank you :))
denamitchell66 (4 May 2023, 9:21) complain
good challenge
Kalou (23 December 2023, 22:33) complain
Good, thank's
Al-e (16 August 2024, 13:26) complain
Nice, thank you
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