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Japanese crossword «Exercises»

Size: 29x36Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:11.07.18Author: LYUDMILA

hotmailjen (2 March 2019, 1:46) complain
Good one. Quite a surprise for anyone who looks at the title before completing the puzzle.
gkati (7 September 2019, 0:53) complain
very cute
Catgirl (5 June 2020, 3:29) complain
I always look at the title before i start because i don’t like the Pokemons and Angry birds. But this was a very nice surprise and it was fun to solve :)
hannahdoodle (14 December 2022, 17:48) complain
My friend!! My buddy!! So adorable, made me smile :D
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