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Japanese crossword «Nesting Doll»

Size: 40x60Picture:7/10Difficulty:6/10Added:06.07.18Author: Nanichan

DWAGS (7 July 2018, 19:58) complain
Beautiful! It was a bit more challenging that I figured it would be in the beginning, as it's not perfectly symmetrical, but that just added to the fun of solving. I love it!
prue718 (8 July 2018, 19:13) complain
Thanks! Loved it!
erica_graham (9 July 2018, 12:26) complain
great puzzle thanks
Lesley (16 July 2018, 21:47) complain
different , I liked it thank you x
rocktree316 (8 December 2018, 20:08) complain
You provided us with a great way to exercise our thinking and reasoning abilities, create steps to solve problems, and other things! You probably also exercised your ability to design creative puzzles! I can understand if this was mentally challenging for you, but it paid off, for you and for the solvers! Thanks for sharing this!
Merl (14 October 2020, 4:19) complain
Super cool and cute!
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