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Japanese crossword «Roll, Roll, Roll»

Size: 30x40Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:06.07.18Author: Nanichan

Lisa_Alexander (7 July 2018, 6:33) complain
I have no idea what this is, but the colors were fun to work with!
nononut (7 July 2018, 7:54) complain
I love it Makes me want to go play the game right now :D Poor Tiny Prince, always cleaning up after the King of All Cosmos!
Guest: CyberAnda (7 July 2018, 16:14) complain
Very nicely done, always been a fan of Katamari
Guest: Sher (8 July 2018, 15:15) complain
Yay! Kamari Damaci. xoxo
swford (10 July 2018, 17:48) complain
I'm not familiar with this character, but sure is cute! And what fun colors!
Sdawg_Colorado (21 August 2018, 4:13) complain
So Cute ... I hardly ever do puzzles this big but the colors made me do it. Quite enjoyable. Thanks for such a fun puzzle.
whydelilah (6 November 2024, 15:01) complain
¡Me encanta! Gran fan del videojuego de Katamari, el principe ha quedado genial.
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