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Japanese crossword «Icecream»

Size: 18x34Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:31.05.18Author: MinistryofMagic

kberg (1 June 2018, 4:52) complain
That was nice because I only figured it out close to the end.
yogurt (1 June 2018, 10:38) complain
when i was a child i used to eat the blue icecream. we called it "smurf" flavour.. :D
Maluca (1 June 2018, 15:38) complain
swford (1 June 2018, 20:51) complain
Yum! Great colors!
Alyaa (7 June 2018, 16:54) complain
Like chiara, the smurf one ("schtroumpf" in French) was my favorite as a child :D Very nice pic, thank you!
Karal_Daskin (29 September 2018, 15:17) complain
babsghia (22 February 2021, 4:46) complain
looks yummy, fun design , thanks
Celandine (15 September 2021, 21:46) complain
I don't like food pictures at all, unless they are a natural fruit or vegetable. Solving it was fun, mostly, but I was disappointed in the result.
Lady_Descole (15 November 2022, 0:37) complain
Super cute!
brumeux77 (13 January 2023, 21:40) complain
I'm happy to say that when I was a child there was no such thing as a smurf.
show: 2 🗨
Pucefrog (10 December 2023, 20:09) complain
Wow! The comic came out in 1958 and the cartoon in 1961, so they have been around a while. My grandpa used to tape it for me on VHS in the 80's and it was my favourite. I don't know when it got translated from french and spread across the world. As for blue ice cream, I have to admit I find it thoroughly disturbing. Wonder what it tastes like, bubblegum? Even as a child myself, I was suspicious. Sounds like Gargamel food to me! But I think the picture is fun and suitably sweet!
show: 1 🗨
brumeux77 (14 December 2023, 0:56) complain
I'd have no trouble with it if they said it was blueberry. And, yes, I am older than Smurfs. Somedays more than others.
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