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Japanese crossword «David»

Size: 58x61Picture:9/10Difficulty:7/10Added:26.05.18Author: romulusnr

Malou (27 May 2018, 19:25) complain
It's very difficult to see any difference in shade between the black and the darker black - the number in a different colour would be very helpful.
Nice picture though :-)
show: 1 🗨
Author romulusnr (28 May 2018, 21:09) complain
Thank you for the feedback, I will remember to keep an eye on that.
ndhHardy (30 May 2018, 17:00) complain
Loved the picture, the subtle shading of the 2 dark colors give it amazing depth. Thank you
toastmantom (31 May 2018, 20:10) complain
Nicely done! I like the subtle shading.
Sheryl_Hill (2 June 2018, 4:56) complain
You are an amazing artist, romulusnr! I wonder if you might be willing to make something medium-sized so more of us can get the benefit of your talent (I can't work crosswords this large, but I can look at the results--mwha-ha-ha!! ;) )
Guest: Jobra (2 July 2018, 16:01) complain
Headrock (15 May 2022, 1:27) complain
Fun factoid: David's head on that statue is abnormally large for his body. Michelangelo figured that the tall statue would always be viewed from below, so he made the head large enough that it would look normal-sized from that angle. The more you know.
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