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Japanese crossword «Gzhel»

Size: 65x57Picture:9/10Difficulty:9/10Added:30.04.18Author: LYUDMILA

robi80 (16 May 2018, 15:21) complain
Well done! Same theme, greatly advanced challenge!!
Ishana (26 May 2018, 2:22) complain
very very hard. Nice job
Guest: iudicatrix (2 July 2018, 23:51) complain
Oh, an easy one...
*bites table*
*laughs hysterically*
*bangs head against wall*
*sobs uncontrollably*
*curls up into fetal position*
Onkr (23 August 2018, 22:39) complain
Lawi (8 November 2018, 15:40) complain
Not gonna lie, I was at my wits' end more than once and nearly gave up at a point. It took everything I had to not have to guess and I really missed the option to "pencil in" tentative solution to rule out dead ends. I'm not a chess master to keep several steps in advance in my head!
Whew, what a challenge! Hands down the most difficult puzzle I did so far, and I did quite many from the high difficulty end.
Surprisingly pretty result, too.
lylebot (1 January 2019, 22:01) complain
wow, really challenging, it actually required me to discover some new techniques even after having solved 250 of these puzzles before!
Tamiris_Grossl_Bade (7 February 2019, 16:11) complain
Great challenge, difficult and long but worth it
Janet (13 March 2019, 10:15) complain
Very nice (confess to a bit of a cheat to get it started!) Thank you :))
VernonKun (26 November 2019, 12:01) complain
7:00:25 with some idle time in between.
Guylaine (24 October 2021, 1:44) complain
The most difficult puzzle I have done so far, and I have done a lot. I had to fight for each square until almost the very end. Thank you for this great challenge!
show: 1 🗨
Guylaine (24 October 2021, 1:45) complain
Oh, and no cheating needed!
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